Home EgonWallet Getting Started Article
When you set up EgonWallet Wallet, you get asked to store your 12-words Password Phrase/SEED somewhere safe. This Password Phrase/SEED can restore all your Accounts (on all blockchains) inside EgonWallet Wallet. Not only the Main Accounts but also any additionally created Accounts under the same Password Phrase/SEED.
Although all your Accounts share the same 12-word Password Phrase/SEED, each Account has a unique Private Key, which is the actual key of the Account on the blockchain. So, it is a good practice to backup, in addition to the Password Phrase/SEED and the Private Keys of all your Accounts one by one.
Warning: Never disclose your Password Phrase/SEED or Private Keys to anyone, even EgonWallet Support Agents/Admins. Please make sure to store your SEED and Private Keys in a safe place. For security reasons, EgonWallet does not keep a copy of your SEED and Private Keys. So, if you lose them, you cannot recover your EgonWallet Wallet Accounts.
Steps To Backup Your EgonWallet:
You can backup the SEED and the Private Key of a specific Account as follows:
Step 1: Tap on the Settings icon from the bottom-right corner of the Portfolio screen. Then, tap on Backup wallet under the Security section.
Step 2: You can enter the PIN code required to access the secrets of the Account. Then, after carefully reading the SECURITY ALERT, could you confirm that you understand the risk of disclosing your Account's secrets to others and tap on the Next button? After that, carefully read the Notice from the EgonWallet team and fixture on Okay, I got it! Button.
Step 3: Select the blockchain and then tap on the desired Account. You will be redirected to a screen where you can switch between the PRIVATE KEY and SEED tabs. You can copy the Private Key and the Password Phrase/SEED to the Clipboard; however, the best practice is to write them down on paper.
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